Thursday, July 17, 2014

Change and Triumph

I believe the weight gain must have been due to elevated sodium or something, because as of today, July 17, 2014, I have lost 30.5 lbs. total, 10 % of my body weight!! :) I'm proud of myself. I have worked hard to get here and I plan to continue. I am going to be in the LOW 250's before my birthday next month. This was really just what I needed to get back on track, to see the progress.

I'm excited to see what happens when life calms down and my focus becomes weight loss and studying for the LSATs. Things have been too crazy for me to be able to make those things a priority, but now that life is getting back to somewhat normal I am going to put my focus on them.

My workout routine will be three runs per week and three times at the gym per week. I will be studying for the LSATs 5 days per week (totaling just over 19 hours). I am going to spend the rest of this summer working hard for the things I want. Not just the summer, my life. If anyone could ever say they hold the characteristics of Hermione Granger, it is me. I am a gunner. I am smart, hard working, and dedicated to the things I believe in. I will work to near exhaustion to get the things I want out of life. I am ready to commit to them in a way I haven't before. I have a fire in me that is ready to consume everything in my path.

I am taking the weekend to recharge. To remember that I am more like Hermione Granger than anyone I've ever known. Then, I am going to attack this weight loss and the LSATs with a veracity like no one has seen. I'm ready to do this.


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