Thursday, October 30, 2014

The big move

I know that it has been a few months since I have written anything, but life has honestly been quite crazy. Matt got a promotion/transfer for work and we moved to Wisconsin. I quit my job (which was possibly the hardest part) and I still don't have another one. Matt left the last week of September and I came out to join him on October 18th. It's been almost two weeks, my house is still in shambles and like I said, no job, which makes me super concerned on the money front.

There are a few great things about the move. Matthew LOVES his new job (though he's still in the learning phase so he's not super confident). He gets along with almost all of the guys he works with and he's moving around, which is good for his health. We also are in our own place, which is wonderful. Once it's organized and in order, I know we'll enjoy it even more. Its actually really nice here, everyone is friendly and there are lots of fun places to explore. The biggest news is that we got a puppy! :)

His name is Bentley and he is 6 weeks old :) He's absolutely adorable. It is, of course, like having a baby because he wakes me up every few hours to go outside (though I am incredibly thankful that he doesn't just go to the bathroom in his crate!) It is hard to adjust to, but since I'm not working right now, its working out okay.

Then, of course, there are the downsides of being here. I miss my family and friends, I miss my job, and I am a bit concerned about the lack of income (Matt's raise was good, but it does not cover my salary, of course). I was also doing really great working out with Ashley and everything, but I have completely fallen off the wagon since I've been here. I haven't worked out once and I have been eating like garbage. I think that once this weekend is over and the house is all set up and we have everything organized, everything else will start to fall into place. At least that is the hope anyway. 

This Sunday is Matthew's birthday. I ordered him Forza Horizon 2 for Xbox and NHL 15 and MLB 14 for PS3.  I really hope he likes them. They are going to be at the store for pickup tomorrow so I'm going to get up early, put on the chicken noodle soup and drive out to Onalaska to pick them up.

I am really excited for tomorrow, it's Halloween! :) I'm going to make homemade chicken noodle soup, watch the Halloween Tree, give out candy to some adorable Trick-or-Treaters, and then make some cookies. I guess if I'm planning to do all of that I should get to bed as it's 12:30am. I'll write again soon.



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