Wednesday, May 7, 2014


This week Matt and I were supposed to go to Tennessee for a little vacation, but instead we gave my dad some money to pay off bills and we are taking a little "Stay-cation" (meaning we are off work for the week, but we aren't really going anywhere). I am actually getting my injections done tomorrow, which puts a little damper on the week of fun, but that's okay.

I haven't worked out as much as I'd have liked this week, and I haven't eaten that well either. I still went to Yoga last night and on Sunday, Matt and I bought bikes and went on a six and a half mile bike ride. Monday I didn't workout at all. I am hoping to get back on track today. I had a bowl of cereal for breakfast and am planning on Subway for lunch. Not grocery shopping makes it incredibly more difficult to eat healthy. I am hoping to finish my homework by 3 or so, so I have time to get a workout in before class tonight. I have quite a lot to do and I can't seem to get motivated to do it (I've been awake for four hours and I have finished one of my assignments).

I guess I should make this a short post since I have so much to do. I just wanted to check-in and give a bit of an update. Oh yeah, at weigh-in on Monday my goal was just to see the 270's, so I was HOPING for 289.9 even, and when I weighed-in I was at 278.9! That means I am down a TOTAL of 19.1 pounds!!! Just 5.9 pounds shy of my first goal of 275 and just 10.7 pounds shy of losing 10%!! :) They say the first 10% shows an impact on cholesterol, blood pressure, the risk of diabetes, sleep apnea and swelling. :)

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